Kaitlin Day

Electrical & Systems Engineering

Where did you complete your undergraduate degree?
Washington University in St. Louis

What played into your decision to get a graduate engineering degree?
My undergraduate experience in the ESE department at WashU was filled with stimulating curriculum, inspiring relationships with professors, and exceptional peers. Through my MS in Engineering Data Analytics & Statistics, I hope to continue these experiences and connections while pursuing my interests in data manipulation, modeling, and visualization. The MS DAS program through WashU's ESE department provides a seamless transition from undergraduate to graduate courses and allows for exploration of personal passions with incredible support!

Why did you pick WashU?
WashU provided the perfect environment for me to step outside of my comfort zone, but also finding a community that would foster my personal growth. The diverse student body, expansive curriculum options, and opportunity to explore St. Louis all make WashU a place I have loved calling home!

What is your favorite thing about St. Louis?
I absolutely love the farmer's markets! From Tower Grove to Soulard to Brentwood to UCity and all the smaller ones in between, each has its own personality and provides a different experience! I never get tired of discovering the season's freshest produce and because we're located in the midwest, there is never a shortage of amazing farmers and stands to choose from!

What advice would you give to a new student?
Meet as many people as you can and get to know your professors! Classes become so much more enjoyable when you have a relationship with your peers and with your professors or TAs. There is a lot to learn from the material you are studying, but I have learned even more from the interactions I have had with the people I have met!

What campus activities or groups would you recommend to a new student?
AGES happy hours, social events, networking, etc. Intramural sports, reading week events, dining services specials

What are your plans for the future?
After finishing my Co-Op in Engineering Project Management at Nestle Purina in Fall 2023, and graduating with my MS in Spring 2024, I plan to work in the Los Angeles area where I am originally from.