Kunal Agrawal

Kunal Agrawal


Computer Science & Engineering

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    McKelvey Hall, Room 2054


PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009
MS, National University of Singapore, 2002
BE, Mumbai University, 2001


Develops theoretically good and practically efficient algorithms and data structures for parallel systems and real-time systems


Kunal Agrawal is interested in many aspects of parallel computing and works primarily on design of provably good runtime systems for parallel programming environments. She has worked on various topics such as scheduling, resource allocation, transactional memory, cache-aware, and cache-oblivious streaming.


In 2009, Professor Agrawal joined the Washington University in St. Louis faculty after she worked with Professor Charles Leiserson in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Supercomputing Technologies Group.

The goal of her 2012 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, "Provably Good Concurrency Platforms for Streaming Applications," is to design platforms that will allow programmers to easily write correct and efficient high-throughput parallel programs.