Mark Jakiela

Mark Jakiela

Pronouns: He/him/his
The Lee Hunter Professor of Mechanical Design Program Director for WashU/UMSL Joint Undergraduate Engineering Program

Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science

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    Urbauer Hall, Room 314G


PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1988
MS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1984
BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1983


Engineering design, optimization, computer-aided design, assembly and manufacturing


Professor Jakiela conducts research related to engineering design and design optimization. He has specialized in the application of evolutionary computation to problems in design and manufacturing. Together with associated researchers, he has developed systems that perform structural topology optimization, shape pattern nesting, finite element mesh generation, antenna design, and the optimal arrangement of piezoelectric actuators on aerodynamic surfaces. More recently, he has investigated computer-based systems that allow engineering design and product development to be done by web-based user communities, as well as comprehensive cost models for remanufacturing processes.

He has had collaborative research projects with many industry partners, including Ford, Nissan, Hitachi, and Boeing. More recently, he has developed new courses in mechanical fabrication and Computer-aided engineering for mechanical design. 


Professor Jakiela came to Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At MIT, he was named a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator in mechanical engineering and served as Associate Director of the MIT Computer-Aided Design Lab.

At WashU, Professor Jakiela teaches courses related to engineering design, including Machine Elements and Senior Design Projects for undergraduates, and Engineering Optimization, and The Computer-aided Mechanical Engineering Design Process for graduate students.