Research at the McKelvey School of Engineering, home of state-of-the-art laboratories and nationally and internationally recognized faculty, aims to advance technology and innovation by addressing world challenges we face today and in the future. Our efforts are enhanced through creative collaborations with leading industrial partners. This support comes in the form of both sponsored projects and gifts. We have a number of research areas that align directly with industry.

Core research areas

  • Aerosols
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Aquatics
  • Biomechanics
  • Cyberphysical Systems
  • Imaging Sciences

Core research facilities & centers

Engineering research tools

Through McKelvey Engineering staff, the Joint Research Office for Contracts, the Office of Technology Management, and Corporate Relations, we can help facilitate any of the following types of agreements with industry partners.

  • Master Research Agreements
  • Sponsored Research Contracts
  • Research Grants
  • Research Gifts
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • Fee for Service Agreements
  • Facility Use Agreements

Office of Technology Management

Strategically aligning your research and development activities is crucial to staying competitive. The McKelvey School of Engineering provides industry an opportunity to work with world-class researchers to solve critical problems facing the world today.