The environment in the McKelvey School of Engineering is designed to foster a collegial and supportive atmosphere that encourages everyone to succeed.



Four-Year Advising

The Engineering Undergraduate Student Services office includes staff members who help students understand the curriculum requirements within and beyond Engineering. In addition to registration assistance, your four-year adviser can serve as your primary contact for answers to general academic, procedural and resource questions.

Faculty Advising

Faculty advisers are professors who work with students to select courses and navigate curriculum. Having a solid relationship with an adviser is an important part of building scholastic success.

Health Professions Advising

Students with an interest in the health professions (medical, dental, physical therapy, pharmacology and veterinary) should attend pre-medicine information sessions and/or meet with the health professions advisor, Ron Laue, at least once a semester. During these meetings, students will be made aware of the required courses, timelines for the appropriate admissions examination, and key objectives when completing the application material. If interested in pursuing admission to medical school, please plan to attend the Engineering Pre-Med Meeting during orientation.

WashU Center for Career Engagement Coaching

The Center for Career Engagement holistically and proactively supports WashU students and alumni in an equitable and consistent way, providing streamlined access to those who want to support our students and alumni in their career journeys. We help students turn their WashU education into real-world stories of success. We provide:

  • Career coaching and planning
  • Career assessment and skills training
  • Access to a global community of leaders, recruiters, influencer networks and WashU alumni

Academic Support

General tutoring provided by Engineering Undergraduate Student Services

Engineering undergraduate students can request free one-on-one tutoring for select courses. Engineering Undergraduate Student Services coordinates free tutoring for the math, chemistry and physics courses required for an Engineering degree in addition to several Engineering courses.

Request a tutor via google doc

For questions, email Ashleigh Goedereis.

Math and Engineering Help Room

The Math Department staffs a weekday help desk for calculus courses (MATH 131,132, 233) and Differential Equations (MATH 217). The room is located in Urbauer 317B. The help schedule can be found here.

The Learning Center

The Learning Center provides resources to help Washington University undergraduates succeed and persist to graduation in their chosen fields. The Learning Center offers active and collaborative learning opportunities to help students make the transition to college, master class materials in foundational courses, and prepare them for advanced courses and courses in their major.

Engineering students may be particularly interested in the Learning Center's peer-led, team-learning groups (PLTL). This program pairs trained upper-class students with small groups of students who work on group exercises directly connected to course work. PLTL is offered for Physics, Chemistry, and Calculus. The Learning Center is in the lower level of the Mallinckrodt Center.

The Learning Center provides additional resources including academic help desks on the South 40 (Residential Peer Mentoring), study skill workshops, and time management coaching. Visit the Learning Center website

The Writing Center

The Writing Center, a free service, offers writing advice to all Washington University undergraduate and graduate students. Tutors will read and discuss any kind of work in progress, including student papers, senior theses, application materials, dissertations and oral presentations. The Writing Center staff is trained to work with students at any stage of the writing process, including brainstorming, developing and clarifying an argument, organizing evidence, and improving style. Rather than editing or proofreading, tutors will emphasize the process of revision and teach students how to edit their own work.

The Writing Center is located in Mallinckrodt Center on the lower level. Appointments are preferred and can be made online.

The Speaking Studio, a service of The Writing Center, provides free, one-on-one or group tutoring for any member of the Washington University in St. Louis community (students, faculty and staff) for any public speaking project. We can help speakers at any stage of the process from generating ideas to developing a speaking outline to planning visual aids. Speakers can also practice their presentations with one of our trained tutors serving as their audience. Speakers are welcome to bring in any work in progress, including class assignments, conference papers and presentations for student groups.

To make an appointment with The Speaking Studio, email us at and include your availability and the date when the presentation will take place.

Engineering Problem-Solving Teams

Problem Solving Team (PST) study groups are coordinated for specific engineering classes. Each study group is facilitated by an upper-class engineering student who has been academically successful in the course. Study group information is made available during the first week of the semester in specific classes or though Engineering Undergraduate Student Services at any time. PSTs are available for BME 140, EEEC 101, and ESE 105.

For questions, email Ashleigh Goedereis.

Mental health resources

Support Through Habif Health and Wellness Center

Habif Health and Wellness promotes personal, emotional and academic well-being by offering comprehensive therapeutic services, outreach and prevention programs. A complete list of resources

Habif Health and Wellness Sponsors the "Let's Talk Program". This program that provides students with easy access to free, brief, confidential consultations with counselors from Mental Health Services (MHS). Complete information and the semester schedule

In order to address the increased need for private space for telemental health appointments, the following process for locating and scheduling these spaces has been developed.

  • For Students who are not current Habif clients:
    • Send this link to reserve space in the DUC interview rooms: private space.  The website says you have to upload information about your interview. Event Management will forego this requirement. The student should bring their own laptop.
    • If the needed space is not available,  students can contact Chrishon Newton at for access to DUC 245. The student will need to bring their own laptop.
  • For Current Habif Clients:
    • Students should discuss the need for private space with their therapist or if it is their first appointment, contact Chrishon Newton at to reserve a space at Habif.