For students graduating with undergraduate engineering degrees, Latin Honors are awarded based upon the cumulative Washington University grade point average.

In June, the GPA cut-offs used to select Latin Honors for the upcoming year are assigned by calculating cumulative averages from the three most recent graduation years. For the upcoming graduating class, the three-year average of the top 10% determine which students are awarded Summa Cum Laude; the three-year average of the next top 10% determine which students are awarded Magna Cum Laude; and the three-year average of the next top 10% determine which students are awarded Cum Laude.

The cumulative GPA's used to determine Latin Honors includes all approved WashU coursework taken up until the time the undergraduate degree is officially awarded. For bachelor's/master's students (e.g., BS/MS students), this means that master's courses are also included in the GPA calculations if a student defers earning the bachelor's degree until the master's degree is also earned. Earning both degrees at the same time is the most common option pursued. Many of these students tend to earn higher grades in their graduate courses, which increases their likelihood of earning Latin Honors when the undergraduate degree is awarded.

For students awarded engineering undergraduate degrees in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025, listed below are the Latin Honor cumulative WashU GPA cut-offs:

  • Summa Cum Laude: 3.97 to 4.00
  • Magna Cum Laude: 3.93 to 3.96
  • Cum Laude: 3.88 to 3.92